Delivery Information
Please note that the following times indicated are from the time we receive your order for process, to the time you should see your order delivered. Processing of your order entails our staff checking the products for physical faults or breakages, colour etc; prior to delivery to you to ensure your satisfaction. (We do not check the product electrically as this is done in the factory).
Also note, that “normal” is where Light Spot has the item/s ordered in our ware-house; items not in stock will incur a time delay as we order the stock line/s in for you.
The following are full working days and should there be any problems with your order these times will increase. Example problems might be; order not completed correctly, internet faults, stock outage or delay.
Destination | Warehouse | Stock Orders / Holidays |
Adelaide Metro | 1 day | 7 days |
Sth Aust Regional | 3 days | 10 days |
Brisbane | 5 days | 12 days |
Cairns ** | 8 days | 15 days |
Darwin ** | 8 days | 15 days |
Gold Coast | 5 Days | 12 Days |
Hobart / Launceston | 5 Days | 12 Days |
Mackay | 6 days | 13 days |
Melbourne | 3 days | 10 days |
Newcastle | 6 days | 13 days |
Orange | 6 days | 13 days |
Perth ** | 8 days | 15 days |
Sydney | 5 days | 12 days |
Townsville ** | 7 days | 14 days |
Wollongong | 5 days | 12 days |
** Delivery from Adelaide to some of these areas incurs delays because freight is not shifted daily.